Never gonna give you up

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So I started another big painting. Everything was going well until I hit two things: buildings and bridges.

I think where I went wrong was to try and paint something so iconic as the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Paint a vase of flowers and as long as the perspective and basics are right, who would know if you went wrong. The sight of the bridge is so familiar to everyone that they will notice every little error. My other big mistake is that the bridge is the focul point yet I chose to start painting the buildings and the road in before painting the bridge. This is the sort of cock-up a novice makes. You paint the main stuff and then relate the surroundings to it and not the other way around.

So now I have to figure out how to take my buildings back to their correct size, which could ruin my lovely perfect sky. Then I need to figure out how to take the wonk out of my bridge. I know I am slightly lop sided following my spinal injury but it seems to really affect how well I paint things. Straight things always lean slightly in my painted world and whenever I paint buildings they always look like they will fall over.

There will be more to this story I am sure. It may have to form a photo blog on never giving up (Cue Rick Astley)




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