Another Painting Sold

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Yesterday at work I sold another painting. I had painted this for a competition at work and it was voted in as one of 13 paintings and photos for a desk calendar.

The painting is of a iconic view of Bristol, Cliftonwood, with its mulit-coloured houses and Brandon tower in the background. It wasn’t easy for me to paint as there were so many straight lines (the bane of my life) so for the first time ever I resorted to the knife. I mostly used a scumbling technique, intending to mark out the picture and paint over it but in the end I really liked the patchy effect of the overall painting so decided to leave it. I had a lot of compliments about this picture during the voting and had two offers to buy it.

My decision to sell is always hard, and in fact I refused to sell my painting of clifton suspension bridge. Finally I agreed to sell for two reasons:

1. I am prolific as a painter and I just had no room on the walls for this one.

2. The purchaser offered to pay the same amount of money to the Alzheimer’s Society.

The purchaser also paid me a great compliment. He really wanted to help support me and get me going on being able to sell my pictures. He even tried to persuade some of his colleagues to enter a bidding war. The phillistines weren’t so keen!

So in the new year, once my husband has taken a raw image of this painting, it will be off to a new home. I wonder if the reason I am so happy for it to go is that it will reside less than a mile away from me.

Once I am more confident I may try this painting again.



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