Gallery - Landscapes

Sailing off Brownsea

November 2014

Acrylic on canvas. Available for sale and as prints. Please use the contact form to get details.

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I wanted to try some new techniques including painting on a coloured canvas to see if it the warmth of the underlying crimson colour would shine through. Apparently this is a technique used by a few of the old favourites like Turner and Constable (not that I am comparing myself to them at all!).

I started with a coat of Alizarin Red, about as blood red as I could get. My attempts to dry this layer with a haridryer caused havoc as tear-off palettes flew around over the other students paintings but many apologies later they had forgiven me.

I deliberately used a painting knife to get an impasto feel. I did not want this to be a painfully detailed and accurate painting but rather something where I captured the feel of the place. I holidayed on Brownsea every year as a child, not with the scouts but with John Lewis Partnership. The sight if Brownsea, even just a glimpse of the south beach like this, evokes very strong feelings in me and I hope that came out in the painting.


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