Gallery - Landscapes

Behind the Triangle

June 2014

Acrylic on canvas textured paper. 297mm by 420mm.

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All those who know Bristol will have heard of the Triangle. To those who don’t know Bristol, forget any images that just popped into your head of ships and planes disappearing once they leave Somerset. The Triangle is a set of roads housing loads of shops and restaurants, linking Whiteladies road (another busy drinking and shopping area) with Park Street (ditto!). In March I was walking along the grottier side of the triangle and just glanced to my left. There, between the run down magic club and an abandoned restaurant was a little gap, leading through into this courtyard. It was a real sun trap and just looked like a little haven amongst all the hubbub.

I painted this for a calendar competition at work. Results still to be announced. Some artistic licence was taken for aesthetic reasons.


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